
SoCal NEGT Symposium 2010

2010 Southern California Symposium on Network Economics and Game Theory

November 11-12, 2010

17th Floor Canyon Room, Hotel Angeleno
170 N. Church Lane, Los Angeles, California 90049

Poster Format

The ideal poster size is max. 4 feet high * 3 feet wide. A general guidance for poster presentation could be found here.

Driving Direction

From Long Beach

North on the 405 freeway. Exit Sunset Blvd. Turn Left on Sunset, cross the Freeway. Turn Right on Church Lane.

From San Fernando Valley

South on the 405 freeway. Exit Sunset Blvd. Turn Right on Church Lane

From Downtown Los Angeles

West on the 10 freeway. North on the 405 Freeway. Exit Sunset Blvd. Turn Left on Sunset, cross the Freeway. Turn Right on Church Lane.