
SoCal NEGT Symposium 2011

2011 Southern California Symposium on Network Economics and Game Theory

November 3-4, 2011

Annenberg Center for Information Science and Technology
California Institute of Technology


Note: all Session talks are 35 minutes long, with 5 minutes for discussion between talks.

Thursday, Nov. 3rd, 2011

10:00am Attendee Check-in Starts
10:45am Opening Remarks
11:00am-12:00pm Keynote 1

Susan Athey (Harvard University / Microsoft Research)
Designing Online Auction-Based Marketplaces
Introduced by Federico Echenique
12:00-1:30pm Lunch
1:30-3:30pm Session 1 (Chair: Steven Low)

Federico Echenique (Caltech)
Finding a Walrasian Equilibrium is Easy for a Fixed Number of Agents (joint paper with Adam Wierman)

Yilmaz Kocer (USC)
Endogenous Learning with Bounded Memory

William Zame (UCLA)
Designing Exchange for Online Communities

3:30-4:45pm Break / Poster Session
4:45-6:00pm Session 2 (Chair: Katrina Ligett)

Augustin Chaintreau (Columbia)
Transactional Social Networks (abstract)

M. van der Schaar (UCLA)
Designing Social-Computational Systems Using Social Norms

Friday, Nov. 4th, 2011
8:30am Attendee Check-in Starts
9:00-11:00am Session 3 (Chair: Adam Wierman)

Shaddin Dughmi (MSR)
Computationally-Efficient Mechanisms for Combinatorial Auctions

Katrina Ligett
Beyond Myopic Best Response (in Cournot Competition)

Jennifer Wortman Vaughan (UCLA)
Aggregating Predictions Via Markets

11:00-11:30am Break
11:30am-12:30pm Keynote 2

Rakesh Vohra (Kellogg School of Management)
Price Discrimination Through Communication (abstract)
Introduced by John Ledyard
12:30-1:30pm Lunch
1:30-3:30pm Session 4 (Chair: Rahul Jain)

Matt Elliott (MSR)
Group Cooperation in Public Goods Networks (joint work with Ben Golub)

David Miller
Ostracism (joint work with S. Nageeb Ali)

Giorgio Coricelli (USC)
Equilibrium Selection Among Multiple Equilibria: Insights from the Brain (joint work with Andrea Brovelli, Frank Heinemann, and Rosemarie Nagel) (abstract)
3:30-4:00pm Break
4:00-6:00pm Session 5 (Chair: Mihaela van der Schaar)

Sachin Adlakha (Caltech)
The Price of Uncertainty in Electricity Markets

Rahul Jain (USC)
Queues and Games

Jason Marden (CU Boulder)
Achieving Pareto Optimality Through Distributed Learning (joint work with H. Peyton Young and Lucy Y. Pao) (abstract)
6:30pm Dinner at the Rathskeller (the bar in the basement of the Athenaeum at Caltech).
All registered attendees welcome!