
SoCal NEGT Symposium 2014

2014 Southern California Symposium on Network Economics and Game Theory

November 20-21, 2014

Annenberg Center for Information Science and Technology
California Institute of Technology

Poster Session

To sign up for the Poster Session, please register for the Symposium, and indicate your participation in the Poster Session during the registration process.

Poster Guidelines:

The standard poster size for this event is 36"Wx24"H. There are many good resources online that can help you make your poster. For example, some poster design tips can be found here: http://poly.libguides.com/posters

Poster printing can be done at local shops, such as FedExOffice. For Caltech participants, poster printing is available on-campus at Graphic Resources.

At the event, posters are presented on easels, which will be supplied by the NEGT organizers. If your poster is not already mounted to a sturdy backing for presentation on an easel, you can use binder clips to attach your poster to a piece of white foamcore or medium/heavy-weight cardboard. It is highly recommended that you bring your own mounting surface and clips.